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Imarogbe Vicker


Imarogbe Vicker - South Africa

Msc in Computer Science from UJ Africa

Education qualification:

I have completed my MSC in computer science from the University of Johannesburg.

Subject paper expertise:

I'm an expert in Information Technology(IT) field, and can solve assignments based on Networks and Internet Systems, operating systems, Database management systems (DBMS), Relational Database management system(RDBMS), Dot net, Computer and C programming, OOPs, Data structures, java programming, UNIX and window lab, AI and its application, etc

Subject paper expertise:

I am an experienced writer with a strong understanding of academia in general which means that not only will you get high-quality work but you'll also receive your paper faster than expected.

Work experience:

I'm having 10 years of experience in software development and developed web application APIs in, Netframework, Python, and SQL.

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